5 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your AC

Is your air conditioning unit not working as efficiently as it should and requires a replacement? Are you looking to sell your home or just preparing for summer that is around the corner? If yes, then this is the right time of the year to engage in AC repair services. Read on for a few tell-tale signs that indicate it is time to get a new air conditioning unit.

Common Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your AC


Even the best-maintained cooling unit cannot work forever. Most air conditioners are designed to work for at least 10 years, while a few make it to the 15-year mark. If your unit is approaching this age, it is time to consider getting a replacement. Newer cooling units come with many bells and whistles and are more energy-efficient. It is, therefore, foolish to continue to pay for costly repairs when investing in a new air conditioner will help you save on utility bills in the long run.

Unit Is Not Cooling Efficiently

The most obvious sign indicating that you need a new air conditioner is that your unit no longer cools as efficiently as it once did. If your cooling unit cannot do its job of cooling your house, you must weigh the pros and cons of investing in a new air conditioner. First, check to see if a clog is stopping your unit from functioning as intended. If troubleshooting your system or even the expensive repairs do not help and your unit does not cool despite running for hours, it is time to bring in a new air conditioner.

Strange Noises

You have probably heard this one. Strange noises coming from an air conditioner are yet another tell-tale sign that something is not right. Your HVAC system must not squeak, rattle or make loud banging noises. These signs indicate that your air conditioner could be reaching the end of its life. Likewise, if you notice weird odors coming from your vents, it could mean you need a replacement. Do not ignore moldy, musky, or smoke odors. Call a reliable AC contractor right away to diagnose the problem.

High Energy Bills

Have you noticed a spike in your energy bills? It is likely that your air conditioner is to blame. Older and faulty air conditioners hog electricity as they have to work much harder to keep your indoors cool. This leads to increased use of electricity, which will reflect in higher utility bills. Older air conditioners, on the whole, are less efficient, and this may lead you to lower your thermostat, which also can lead to a spike in your electric bill.

If you are considering an air conditioning replacement in Milton, ON, or AC repair in Milton, ON, remember it is important to hire a reliable and trustworthy HVAC technician. Contact B.A.P. Heating & Cooling Services, a reliable service provider of heating and cooling in Cambridge, Milton, and nearby areas, at (647) 250-0619 for an obligation-free quote on air conditioning installation in Rockwood ON.